2+2 is a reality TV show about children on an international exchange, created and produced by The Media Pioneers. The programme aims to provide a brilliant and informative show on the impressions on children who experience the culture of another country. This will be a very positive show on how a child can broaden their horizons and enrich their life experience.
For the show we will pick two friends from the UK and two friends from China to swap lives and live with their new families abroad. During their two week stay, they will live and study together, visit attractions, eat local food and learn new skills from related to their new country of residence. The children will also have to complete a number of tasks both together and while separated. One of the tasks will be to send a postcard back home to tell their relatives about their new and exciting experiences.
For the show we will pick two friends from the UK and two friends from China to swap lives and live with their new families abroad. During their two week stay, they will live and study together, visit attractions, eat local food and learn new skills from related to their new country of residence. The children will also have to complete a number of tasks both together and while separated. One of the tasks will be to send a postcard back home to tell their relatives about their new and exciting experiences.